27 things I’ve learned at 27

  1. If you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything 

  2. Be cliche and live your life 

  3. Gods plan for us is always much greater than our own

  4. Invest in good shoes 

  5. Be kind and courageous even when it’s hard to do so

  6. Resilience is your superpower

  7. It’s ok to need time to recharge

  8. Resting is important to stay sharp

  9. Children may not follow directions sometimes but they do watch and imitate adults 

  10. Read more books 

  11. People will forget what you wore, they will never forget how you made them feel

  12. Beauty blooms from within

  13. Sometimes friends are for a season, accept that and life will change

  14. Finding a community is key 

  15. Love yourself first and everything else will fall into place

  16. Stop being afraid of things you can’t control 

  17. Your comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there

  18. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength

  19. You married your husband not only for you but for your child too

  20. A little concealer and mascara can go a very long way

  21. When you look good you feel good when you feel good you do good

  22. Don’t care what people think, it’s not your job to impress them anyways

  23. God’s grace is sufficient for you

  24. Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world

  25. You can’t protect your kids from everything but you can equip them with the tools they need to be safe 

  26. Faith can move mountains 

  27. Motherhood is the best and hardest time of your life, embrace every moment 


Birth Story